The Enchanted Forest, also known as Misthaven, is a realm featured on ABC's Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.
- Evil Queen
- Robin Hood
- Merry Men
- Lancelot
- Ogres
- Glinda
- Merlin
- Medusa
- Woodcutter
- Blind Witch
- Rumplestiltskin (formerly)
- Snow White (formerly)
- David Nolan (formerly)
- Emma Swan (formerly)
- Regina Mills (formerly)
- Maleficent (formerly)
- Ursula (formerly)
- Cruella De Vil (visitor; formerly)
Realms in the Enchanted Forest
- Glinda's Pocket Dimension
- Camelot (possibly)
- This is realm is where the fairytales Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rumplestiltskin, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Hansel and Gretel and many others transpired.
- Their currency seems to consist of coppers, silvers and (most likely) golds.